How to apply to be a Mentor
Mentors are paid a sessional rate for their work and their selection is based on experience and personal attributes. Many already hold teaching, training and/or coaching qualifications, and all undergo further coaching and mentoring training.
Mentors and mentees meet for approximately one hour each month for between 12 and 24 months for a total of six hours . The content of the hour is decided by the mentee. The sessions are free for mentees and take place in their own time.
Please contact Nisha Patel (, if you would like to be a mentor and she will alert you to the next round of training.
Mentor recruitment takes place in response to need. We are currently not recruiting new Mentors, if you would like to express interest please click here to complete the form.
The contacts on this page are happy to answer your questions.
Zehra Safdar – SWL TH Head of Operations (
Nisha Patel - Training Hub Project Manager (