Making Every Contact Count
A series of free online courses from Richmond Council.

What is Making Every Contact Count (MECC)?
MECC is about capitalising on the thousands of conversations that happen in the boroughs each day, to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population. It recognises that council staff and frontline workers in the community, including volunteers, are in a unique position to help residents through ‘healthy conversations’ and by directing them to services for additional and appropriate support.
With this in mind, Richmond Council has developed a series of free online courses to help workers develop the skills needed to:
Identify people who could benefit from additional support
Raise the issue with them through a conversation
Refer or signpost to the appropriate service(s)
These online courses are available to all colleagues in South West London.
Training is completed via e-learning and each module takes on average, 30-35 minutes to complete.
What courses are available ?
Introduction to Making Every Contact Count
Looks at the basic principles of MECC and how it can help improve the health and wellbeing of the local population when used as a light touch intervention. A precursor to the full MECC training programme, this course is for anyone who is new to MECC and has contact with the general public.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Looks at the importance of good emotional wellbeing and how to recognise stress triggers. Considers risk factors relating to both work and life such as financial worries, housing, loneliness, employment and Covid-19 and provides practical advice on how to have a conversation about someone's wellbeing and where to signpost them for additional support.
Loneliness & Isolation
Focuses on the wide-reaching consequences of loneliness and considers the signs that someone might need help, who might be most vulnerable and what can be done to address the issue.
Dementia Awareness
Provides a general understanding of dementia and considers the different types, causes and symptoms and those at greatest risk.
Falls Prevention
Outlines the main risk factors which can result in a fall and the impact of falls on older people. Provides tips on how to start a conversation and assess someone’s falls risk and gives information on how and where to signpost for additional support.
Accessing New Technologies
Provides an overview of the different technologies available in the borough and how they can be used to help combat loneliness and isolation.
Supporting Winter Warmth
Focuses on the dangers of cold weather and living in cold conditions. Provides help in identifying those at most risk and looks at how to refer to local support during the winter months.
Active Travel
Looks at a growing initiative which encourages people to become more active and considers how walking and cycling can benefit the individual, the local community and the environment.
Air Pollution and Health
Outlines the main causes of air pollution, types of pollutants, impact on health, vulnerable groups that are more likely to suffer from air pollution and what people can do to minimise exposure.
To access this module directly please use this link
Request access to a Public Health training module - Section 1 - (
Climate Change and Health
For people working in the council, the voluntary sector, and the local NHS; this module has been developed to provide a better understanding of what climate change is, how to identify, engage and support those most vulnerable and what can be done to reduce our contribution to the problem.
To access this module directly please use this link
Request access to a Public Health training module - Section 1 - (
Recognising and Supporting People Providing Unpaid Care
The course describes what constitutes an unpaid carer, considers the signs which may suggest someone is struggling with their caring role and explores how this might affect their overall health and well-being. The module concludes by providing tips on how to start a conversation with unpaid carers about support that can help them balance their caring role with a life outside caring.
Vaccination Hesitancy
Looks at the concerns that people may have regarding vaccinations and how these may be addressed; focusing on behaviour change to allay fears, bust myths, and provide the necessary information to help people get vaccinated.
How to access?
Training can be accessed by all using the link:
First time login for users: Click on ‘Not employed by the Council (SSA staff)’. If you had an account on the previous TPD system, please email for a new password. If not, please click ‘create new account’ and follow the instructions.
Please note:
Please be advised that this resource has been compiled by Richmond and Wandsworth. Therefore, the signposting provided is specific to those Boroughs and may not be suitable for use if you are located outside of these areas. However, the content itself can be beneficial for individuals across all locations.